Center for Social and Behavioral Science


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    • 3:00 - 5:30 pm    2/12/2025
    • NCSA Building, Suite 3102 | 1205 W. Clark St., Urbana, IL 61801

    Please join us for the CSBS Open House on February 12 to connect with other social and behavioral science researchers, talk with the CSBS staff, and see our new office space and facilities in the NCSA Building.

    • 9:00 am - 1:45 pm    2/28/2025
    • I Hotel & Illinois Conference Center, Honors Room

    Community-engaged faculty across campus are invited to the next event in the Community-Engaged Research Series. Please join us Feb. 28 for an interactive workshop followed by a working lunch with Diane Doberneck, Director for Faculty and Professional Development in the Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship at Michigan State University.