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Dr. Hyejin Lee, UIUC, will lecture on "Precise Individual Measures of Inhibitory Control."
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Speaker: Chen-Lung Hung, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University
Noah Whiteman, PhD Departments of Integrative Biology and Molecular and Cell Biology; University of California, Berkeley "Acquisition of chemical defenses via horizontal gene transfer in insects"
Please join us for a MillerComm Lecture by George A. Miller Visiting Scholar, Jordan Pascoe.
In this talk, Jordan Pascoe draws on the resources of feminist philosophy to explore how disasters trigger social change- in both progressive and authoritarian ways. By examining how people learn from one another in disaster contexts, and how this learning can shift longstanding practices of collective knowing, she explores how and why disasters generate social change, and
Beckman-Brown Lecture — Steven Chu, "The Challenges of Getting to Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions"
Join Nobel Laureate Steven Chu, former U.S. Energy Secretary under President Barack Obama, for the annual Beckman-Brown Lecture on Interdisciplinary Science. Chu is a Professor of Physics, Molecular and Cellular Physiology, and Energy Science and Engineering at Stanford University.
Lectures and discussions on current work in research and development in nuclear engineering and related fields by staff, advanced students, and visiting speakers.
This event is co-hosted by the Cancer Center at Illinois and NR IMPACT. NR IMPACT are a group of early to mid-stage researchers investigating nuclear receptor actions in health and disease.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
This meeting will be held in Illinois State water Survey Conference Room 2, or you can join virtually. https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NWRiZTg4Y2QtNjU1YS00YTBhLWE2OTUtNDJhNWU5MzNjMjYy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2244467e6f-462c-4ea2-823f-7800de5434e3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22789f2254-d4d0-4033-b54a-c4ee2ebf76cc%22%7d
Receive an overview of human subjects research, by Sarah Mumford, director, Office for the Protection of Research Subjects.
"Insights into Nuclear Speckles in Mammalian Cells Using Super-Resolution Microscopy" - Minxue Liu, Graduate Research Assistant, Beckman Institute - Cell & Developmental Biology Instrument: MINFLUX
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Practicing Human-Centered Design isn’t only about learning the process, but adopting mindsets that are critical for problem solving. In this two-hour workshop, learners will engage in activities that foster Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Experimentation, Human-Centeredness, and Metacognition. Join us to explore and practice getting into the right mindset.
Shreyas is a senior physics student at UIUC. He has has worked with a few different research labs across UIUC and the NCSA, primarily working with the Illinois Relativity group and as an NCSA SPIN intern. Shreyas also had three internships in industry as a data science intern in both startups and fortune 100 companies, and is looking to establish a career in data science.
All are invited to join us for an evening to welcome students back to campus, learn more about the Roger Ebert Center for Film Studies, including upcoming film screenings and funding opportunities, and watch Guillermo del Toro’s dark fantasy film Pan’s Labyrinth.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Please join the University YMCA and Diversity & Social Justice Education for our Fall 2024 Friday Forum + Conversation Café series. We will hear from community leaders tackling our most pressing public concerns through an unwavering pursuit of social justice. Champaign County Welcoming Plan in Action by NAWC + William Estrada. Free lunch provided.
Are you passionate about user experience design? Curious about how UX shapes the future of innovative products at a global company? Join us for an exclusive recruiting session with Dr. Eui Yang, UX Lead at John Deere, and discover the exciting opportunities available in the world of UX.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Speaker: Matthew Otten, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Speaker: María de Lourdes Ortega Méndez (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Lectures and discussions on current work in research and development in nuclear engineering and related fields by staff, advanced students, and visiting speakers.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Aimed at instructors interested in teaching with Human-Centered Design, this workshop will focus on the design thinking tools you can implement to empathize with your students, as well as teaching activities and strategies.
RBML’s new exhibit celebrates the 75th anniversary of Gwendolyn Brooks’s 'Annie Allen' – the poetry collection that won the first Pulitzer Prize by a Black author – and explores the rich history of Black literature’s emergence into the mainstream. Opening reception will feature remarks by Brooks’s daughter, Nora Brooks Blakely. Exhibit will be on display through May 2025.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Please join the University YMCA and Diversity & Social Justice Education for our Fall 2024 Friday Forum + Conversation Café series. We will hear from community leaders tackling our most pressing public concerns through an unwavering pursuit of social justice. We are excited to focus the fall series towards Democracy. Braver Angels. Free Lunch Provided
AAUW Since 1888, AAUW has been one of the largest funders of women's graduate education, investing in women who go on to change the world. This information session will focus on AAUW's International & American Fellowship.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Local bat biologists and educators invite you to this first annual FREE event!
Join Dean Rashid Bashir, featured speaker, at the first CZ Biohub Chicago conference.
The Biomedical Imaging Center & The Stephens Family Clinical Research Institute at Carle Health seminar series continues with Dr. Mark Chiew, Department of Medical Biophysics University of Toronto.
Olga Livshin’s work is recently published in the New York Times, Ploughshares, The Rumpus, and other journals, and is forthcoming from POETRY magazine. She is the author of the poetry collection A Life Replaced: Poems withTranslations from Anna Akhmatova and Vladimir Gandelsman (2019).
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
Speaker: Krister Shalm, Sr. Research Associate, University of Colorado Boulder
Valkiria Durán-Narucki, PhD Lecturer & Environmental Psychologist; College of Staten Island, City University of New York "The Ecology of Learning Spaces: A Perspective from Environmental Psychology" IGB Seminar - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Dr. Luz Angela Rodriguez, Assistant Professor of Rural and Regional Development at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Colombia. This is Part 1 of the series on Women Environmental Defenders and Climate Change in the Amazon.
Lectures and discussions on current work in research and development in nuclear engineering and related fields by staff, advanced students, and visiting speakers.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
"Community Engagement, Rural Edition: Navigating Local Power and Conquering the Fear Factor" explores the unique challenges and opportunities faced by rural communities in fostering effective community engagement. This talk aims to provide practical insights for academics, policymakers, and community leaders working to enhance civic involvement in rural settings.
Time management and stress management go hand in hand. Learning strategies to manage these challenges can help you succeed as a graduate student. Join us for this seminar and learn practical tools and tips for managing your time and reducing stress, enabling you to focus on what's important. Light refreshments will be provided.
Throughout her process, Jen Everett remixes images of herself in conversation with the materials she collects to talk about Black life, kinship, and collective gathering. Could you dim the lights? is her first solo museum presentation.
When practicing human-centered design, it’s important to connect with the people you are designing for—their lives, their interests, their motivations, and their struggles. Learn how to take a human-centered approach to gathering information that will provide a compass when designing to solve complex problems.