Campus Humanities Calendar


34 matches found

    • 9:00 - 11:00 am    2/1/2025 - 4/5/2025
    • Nevada Dance StudioCreative Dance for Children is an innovative community program provided by the University of Illinois Department of Dance under the direction of Betty Allen. Instructors collaborate to design and deliver creative dance classes tailored for children ages 4-10.

    • 7:30 pm    3/12/2025
    • Levis Faculty Center, Room 422

    Community Speaker Series panelists: Traci Barkley (Director, Sola Gratia Farm) Emily Stone (Director of Public Engagement, College of Education) Bhakti Verma (PhD student, Curriculum & Instruction)

    • 12:00 pm    3/13/2025
    • University Archives (room 146, Main Library) or via Zoom

    Dr. Jog, Associate Research Scientist in the Wetland Science Program at the Prairie Research Institute will present “Using plants to understand wetland health.”

    • 2:00 - 6:00 pm    3/13/2025
    • Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, Grainger Commons Room 233/234

    Celebrate Women’s History Month with us on Thursday, March 13, from 2-6 pm (CT)! Join us in person or online on Zoom as we work together to enhance Wikipedia’s representation of women in STEM. Visit the University Library STEM Wikipedia Edit-a-thons LibGuide for details and the Grainger Library calendar for Zoom information.

    • 5:00 - 5:30 pm    3/13/2025
    • LAS Hub in Lincoln Hall,

    Make sure your students are ready to take on service with community organizations! We CU & the Illinois Leadership Center are hosting a workshop on Entering Community Partnerships on Thursday, March 13. The workshop will give students guidance on how to successfully collaborate in & reflect upon community service partnerships. Dinner will be served; space is limited.

    • 5:00 - 6:30 pm    3/13/2025
    • LAS Hub | Lincoln Hall

    Join We CU and the Illinois Leadership Center on Thursday, March 13th, from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. at the LAS Hub in Lincoln Hall for our Entering Community Partnerships student workshop. This workshop provides guidance on how to successfully collaborate in service partnerships with community organizations.

    • All Day    3/18/2025 - 3/22/2025
    • Krannert Art Museum, 500 E. Peabody Dr., Champaign

    On view: Making Place for the Arts at Home: Performance and Midcentury Modern Architecture, featuring homes in Champaign-Urbana designed by Jack Baker, John Replinger, and A. Richard Williams. The museum is open Tuesday through Friday, 10–5; Saturday 10–4; and Thursday until 8 pm, when class is in session. Admission is always free.

    • All Day    3/25/2025

    Do you work with or teach undergraduate students? The 13th annual Image of Research – UR Edition competition is a great opportunity to celebrate their research. All areas of study are invited. Entries will be celebrated at the Undergraduate Research Symposium on Thursday, April 24 in the Illini Union Ballroom.

    • 5:30 pm    3/25/2025
    • Campus Instructional Facility, Room 4025

    Join us for a lecture in the Illinois Forum on Human Flourishing in a Digital Age speaker series with Antón Barba-Kay. We live in an age of hyper-awareness of generational differences. What are the consequences of this disorienting acceleration of differences? What does it teach us about the nature of time itself? How can we take our time again?

    • 12:00 - 12:45 pm    3/26/2025
    • Levis Faculty Center, 919 W Illinois, Room 210

    Please join us for a presentation by newly elected CAS Professor and recent CAS Associate Peter Fritzsche (History) on the fragile nature of human solidarity.

  • Janice Harrington and Chip McNeill
    • 7:00 pm    3/26/2025
    • Levis Faculty Center, Room 300

    Join us for an evening of jazz and poetry with award-winning poet Janice N. Harrington (Creative Writing/English) and musician Charles “Chip” McNeill (Music). Harrington will read selections from her book Yard Show with musical accompaniment by McNeill and student musicians from the University of Illinois School of Music.

    • 12:00 pm    3/27/2025

    On March 27 at 12 PM, Cara Bertram (Archives Program Officer) will be giving a talk on the American Library Association (ALA) Archives and their history with communities of faith! Registration link is available here.

    • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm    3/28/2025
    • Levis 210

    Keynote speakers: Dr. Rituparna Roy and Vishwajyoti Ghosh.

    • 2:00 pm    3/30/2025
    • Spurlock Museum

    Blending Thelonious Monk’s compositions with Sierra Leonean music, Leon Lewis-Nicol’s performance acts as a tool to mend the gap between African Diaspora musical culture. Lewis-Nicol aims to illustrate how jazz can be a medium through which two different cultures can co-exist and serve as a form of healing for the African diaspora.

    • 12:00 - 1:30 pm    3/31/2025
    • Levis Faculty Center room 424

    This informal group aims to bring together graduate students from across campus to share their enthusiasm for the thought-provoking scholarship that animates them as people. Stop by to listen, chat, and share lunch! Light refreshments provided. If you are interested in sharing something, please contact Chloe Parrella.

    • 10:00    4/2/2025
    • 220 Smith Memorial Hall (805 S Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801)

    Musicologist Mackenzie Pierce examines the role of Polish Jewish musicians in shaping concert music amid antisemitism, Nazi occupation, and postwar rebuilding in his forthcoming book. Reconstructing their lives from the 1920s to the 1950s, he reveals how music became both a means of cultural preservation and a tool for reinvention.

    • 7:00 - 8:30 pm    4/2/2025
    • Spurlock Museum

    Explore stories of cultural self-determination in societies around the world. Dr. Christina Gonzalez, co-curator of Caribbean Indigenous Resistance / Resistencia Indígena del Caribe ¡Taino Vive!, will lead tours of the exhibit, and staff will share some of the museum's collections related to resistance and cultural identity in the face of oppression.

    • 3:00 - 5:00 pm    4/3/2025
    • 346 Main Library, 1408 W. Gregory Dr

    The RBML welcomes Justine Murison, editor of a new critical edition of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s 1850 novel. Murison will discuss the work’s historical and literary contexts, the revolutionary politics with which the novel engages, and the enduring questions it asks about American society. Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing. This event is free, and a

    • 12:00 pm    4/4/2025
    • Levis Faculty Center, 919 W Illinois, Room 210

    Join us for a talk by recent CAS Associate Soo Ah Kwon (Asian American Studies) on moving beyond simple binaries such as reformist/radical, inside/outside, or status-quo/anti-establishment to better understand youth activism.

    • 5:15 - 6:45 pm    4/7/2025
    • BNAAC (1212 W. Nevada Street)

    The What Now? Series continues April 7 (Monday) from 5:15-6:45pm at BNAAC (1212 W. Nevada Street). Confirmed speakers include Karen Flynn and Julie Pryde.

    • 12:15 - 1:15 pm    4/8/2025
    • 22 Education Building

    The Third Wave of the Asian American Studies Movement: Advocating for & Advancing Asian American Studies in K-12 Classrooms

    • 4:00 pm    4/8/2025
    • Levis Faculty Center, Room 210

    Dr. Bryce Henson is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication & Journalism and an Africana Studies Program Affiliate at Texas A&M University.

    • 5:30 pm    4/9/2025
    • Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum of World Cultures (600 S. Gregory St., Urbana, IL)

    Join us for a free screening of Queendom (2023), followed by a discussion with producer Igor Myakotin. This documentary follows Jenna, a queer artist in Russia, who stages radical public performances to challenge perceptions of beauty and queerness while protesting government oppression. Myakotin, an Emmy-nominated filmmaker, brings this powerful story to the screen.

    • 12:00 - 1:00 pm    4/10/2025
    • University Archives (room 146, Main Library) or via Zoom

    Dr. Winful, a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Anthropology and a participant in the DRIVE Illinois Distinguished Postdoctoral Program, will discuss her research on the biological mechanisms linking stress to health, with a focus on inflammation.

    • 4:00 pm    4/10/2025
    • Lincoln Hall, Room 1002; 702 S Wright St., Urbana, IL 61801

    The Department of Asian American Studies welcomes Dr. Nayan Shah, Professor of American Studies & Ethnicity and History at the University of Southern California to present his talk "Mutual Aid and Resisting Carceral Power: Asian American Strategies".

  • Ross Gay's headshot
    • 12:00 pm    4/16/2025
    • Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center (1212 W Nevada St., Urbana)

    Free lunch and informal talk for undergraduates of any major. With poet and essayist Ross Gay.

  • Ross Gay's headshot
    • 7:30 pm    4/16/2025
    • Alice Campbell Alumni Center BallRoom

    A public reading and book signing with award-winning poet and essayist Ross Gay.

    • 12:00 pm    4/18/2025
    • 0359 Music Building (1114 W. Nevada St., Urbana, IL 61801)

    Join us for a lecture by ethnomusicologist Olga Zaitseva-Herz on the role of music in Russia’s war on Ukraine. She explores how state-controlled and grassroots music scenes shape the war’s political and social dynamics. A postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alberta, Zaitseva-Herz examines music as a tool of resistance, diplomacy, and identity.

    • 12:00 - 1:50 pm    4/21/2025
    • School of Labor and Employment Relations, Room 51, 504 E Armory Street

    Scholarly interest in British Black Power has grown over the last decade with the movement increasingly situated as a key conjuncture in modern British history and an important site in the global history of Black Power. Yet there is still more to know about how Black Power operated at the grassroots in communities across Britain.

    • 5:00 pm    4/24/2025
    • Siebel Design Center

    Photographers Ara Oshagan and Levon Parian will present a two-part art exhibit from their iWitness project at the Siebel Design Center in the spring culminating in a moderated talk at 5pm on April 24th at the Siebel Center.

    • 5:00 pm    4/25/2025
    • Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum, 600 S. Gregory

    Darius and Catherine Brubeck discuss their pioneering jazz curriculum and performance program developed in apartheid-era South Africa that brought black and white musicians together to create a soundtrack to the freedom struggle and its aftermath. South African jazz scholar and performer Colin Miller joins this conversation.

    • 12:00 pm    4/30/2025
    • 1064 Lincoln Hall or Virtual

    Join the LAS Office of Research to learn more about grant support for faculty researchers in LAS. Our team will share information on pre-award services, such as budgeting, document review, and preparing for submission to SPA. This session will be particularly helpful for faculty without access to dedicated unit-based grant support staff.

    • 12:00 - 1:00 pm    5/6/2025
    • University Archives (room 146, Main Library) or via Zoom

    Jennifer Teper, Head of Preservation Services at the University of Illinois Library, will discuss how she uses science in her work to conserve library collections and special collections.

    • 4:00 - 6:00 pm    5/8/2025
    • Spurlock Museum Atrium

    Gather with us in community to toast this year's HRI research prize recipients and to mark the close of another academic year.