Medieval Studies


3 matches found

  • Close ups of red fruit and pink flowers
    • 5:00 pm
    • 422 Levis Faculty Center

    Dr. Robert W. Barrett, Jr., University of Illinois, English, "Cherry Trees and More-than-Human Animacies in Zeami's Saigyō-zakura and the N-Town Nativity"

    • 12:00 pm
    • 208 Levis Faculty Center

    Join Prof. Shannon Gayk (University of Indiana) and Prof. Christina Laffin (University of British Columbia) for an informal lunchtime discussion of their experiences using recreations of premodern pilgrimage routes in Europe and Japan to foster students engagement with the premodern world.

    • 3:00
    • Lucy Ellis Lounge, Foreign Languages Building

    Premodern Pilgrimage in Cross-Cultural Perspective Join us for a comparative conversation about pilgrimage and travel in the premodern world, from England to Japan. Papers by Prof. Christina Laffin (University of British Columbia) and Prof. Shannon Gayk (University of Indiana), with a response from Prof. Adam Newman (UIUC, Department of Religion)