Physics - CPLC Calendar
17 matches found
"Of mice, men, birds and snakes: An evolutionary perspective on meiotic recombination in vertebrates" Molly Przeworski, PhD Department of Biological Sciences and Department of Systems Biology; Columbia University
"The sounds only some of us can hear: Studies on tinnitus and hyperacusis" Fatima Husain Professor of Speech and Hearing Science Beckman Institute
Holger Schmidt, PhD Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Narinder Singh Kapany Chair of Optoelectronics, Baskin School of Engineering; University of California Santa Cruz "Integrated optofluidic devices for single molecule analysis"
"A solid-liquid superposition model for interfacial solvation structures" Qian Ai, Graduate Research Assistant Materials Science & Engineering
Peg McCarthy, PhD James & Carolyn Frenkil Endowed Dean's Professor and Chair of the Department of Pharmacology; University of Maryland School of Medicine "Establishing Sex Differences in the Brain at the Intersection of the Nervous, Endocrine and Immune Systems"
"Introducing Spatial Transcriptomics to Core Facilities: A Custom Built MERFISH Microscope " Duncan Nall, Research Scientist Core Facilities