Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
7 matches found
"From Neuronal Detail to Tissue Scale: Imaging Neuronal with Confocal and Large Field Microscopy in Core Facilities" Sehong Kang, Graduate Research Assistant, Beckman Institute, Mechanical Science & Engineering
Jennifer Guerriero, PhD Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Breast Cancer Program, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center; Harvard Immunology, Harvard Medical School "Harnessing macrophages in advanced breast cancer to combat drug-resistance"
"Testing Puncture Mechanism using 3D printing materials" Jules Chabain, Graduate Student - Evolution, Ecology and Behavior
Rose Marks, PhD School of Integrative Biology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Genomic Ecology of Global Change Research Theme "What resurrection plants can tell us about the genomics of resilience"
Beth M. Stadtmueller, PhD Assistant Professor of Biochemistry Biomedical & Translational Sciences, Carle Illinois College of Medicine University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Mining for anti-infectious Molecules from Genomes Research Theme "Investigating and engineering the structures and functions of Secretory Antibodies"
"Optimization of In Vitro Reservoir Computing informed by Volume Electron Microscopy and Simulation" Andrew Dou, Graduate Research Assistant, Mechanical Science & Engineering
"Illuminating Brain Circuit Architectures" Xiaotang Lu, Assistant Professor, Chemistry