UIUC Biophysics and Related Seminars
19 matches found
Jesse Dill, PhD Senior Director of Business Development, Ginkgo Bioworks “Some lessons learned in a journey from grad school to industry, to R&D funding, and back”
Cracking the PAR code: Deciphering PARP biology From Cellular Condensate to Molecular Structures
Beth Stadtmueller, PhD Department of Biochemistry; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign "Investigating and expanding the structures and functions of Secretory Antibodies"
Expanding the scope of DNA repair factors- novel roles and applications
Jessica Winter, PhD Distinguished Professor of Engineering William G. Lowrie Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The Ohio State University "Cancer Fighting Technologies: A Bench to Bedside Journey"
Career Paths in Scientific and Medical Writing
Please contact the UIUC Illinois Biophysics Society webmaster if you know of other events to add to the list.