International Programs and Studies
56 matches found
Funmilayo Ransom Kuti Film Discussion Tuesday | March 4 | 6:30-8:00pm CST | via Zoom Discussion led by: Adetutu Faburoso, Ph.D Student in Human Resource Development (HDR) and minor in Gender Relations and International Development (GRID)
The Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program (WGGP) and the Humanities Research Institute (HRI) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are co-hosting our eighth annual event, “11 Women Who Changed the World: Untold Stories” bringing together faculty, staff, students, and community members to recognize people who have made a difference in academia.
Friday Forum + Conversation Cafe Defending Immigrants under a Trump Administration: An Immigrant Advocate's Perspective by Diana Rashid, Berkeley Public Interest Law Fellow and Attorney, National Immigrant Justice Center, in conversation with current La Colectiva students March 7, 2025 | 12:00 pm -1:00 pm (CST) | University YMCA, 1001 S Wright St, Champaign
GRID Student Forum featuring graduate student research projects March 7, 12 pm - 3 pm via Zoom.
Dr. Jog, Associate Research Scientist in the Wetland Science Program at the Prairie Research Institute will present “Using plants to understand wetland health.” March 13 | 12 pm - 1 pm (CTS) | Main Library Room 146, or over zoom
Abstract: Of the many beautiful objects associated with Madinat al-Zahra and the Cordoban Umayyad caliphate, perhaps none are as celebrated as a series of ivory pyxides and caskets produced for members of the royal family. Several of them were made for royal mothers, formerly enslaved concubines who earned their freedom by bearing the caliph's children. Caliphal concubines
Storytelling Workshop with Latoya Ruby Frazier Tuesday, March 25, 2025, UA Local 149 Plumbers and Pipefitters, 1003 N Dunlap Ave, Savoy, Illinois Workshop 5-7pm Dinner 7-9pm
Art as Transformation: Using Photography for Social Change by Latoya Ruby Frazier March 26, 5 pm -6 pm Plym Auditorium, Temple Buell Hall
Directors: Sarah Ema Friedland, Rami Younis It is a story of a city that once connected Palestine to the world - what it once was, what it is now, and what it could have become. A discussion by Professor Laura Goffman, Department of History at the Univesity of Illinois followed this.
Friday Forum + Conversation Cafe Plumas Negras by Juliette Carrillo, University of Illinois Department of Theater March 28, 2025 12:00 pm -1:00 pm (CST) University YMCA, 1001 S Wright St, Champaign