October 25, 2024
1:00-2:30pm CST
1.5 CEs for LCSW/LSW and LCPC/LPC
$15 for CEs/$10 for no CEs
Youth aging out of care are more likely to experience homelessness after leaving care. Our programs seek to prevent homelessness through housing advocacy, cash assistance and housing choice vouchers. Less than 10% of youth in care “age out” of care, meaning they remain in foster placements or transition to independent living after the age of 18. Most cases remain open until 21. There are living arrangements, and stipends, while the youth are in care to support independent living. These youth need an extraordinary amount of support due to lack of relationships, trauma, housing instability, placement changes, etc. HUD has created vouchers specifically for this population, and Illinois is on the forefront of Fostering Youth to Independence (FYI) voucher expansion. Being referred for a voucher extends housing advocacy and cash assistance until age 23, although youth can be referred to the program if housed by age 25. We consider this a “step down” in services from their case closing at 21.