Center for East Asian & Pacific Studies

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The 8th Annual UIUC Korean Speech Contest

Event Type
East Asian Languages and Cultures Department; Center for East Asian & Pacific Studies; Korean Student Association (KSA)
Lincoln Hall 1000
Mar 28, 2024   7:00 - 8:30 pm  
Jeeyoung Ha
Originating Calendar
CEAPS Events Calendar

The 8th Annual Korean Speech Contest will be held in person at 7 pm on Thursday March 28, 2024, co-sponsored by the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures [EALC]l, the Center of East Asian and Pacific Studies [CEAPS], and  Korean Student Association [KSA]. This event is open to all. Winners in each level will be awarded with a gift card and those who are currently taking or have taken KOR classes within a year will be eligible to compete in the Midwest Korean Speech Contest to be held at University of Chicago on Saturday April 6, 2024. The 1st place winners at each level in the Midwest Korean Speech Contest will be awarded a tuition-free opportunity to study in Korea during the summer in addition to a cash award.

Don’t miss the opportunity to show off your Korean skills and win the eligibility to compete in the Midwest Korean Speech Contest, where you can win a tuition-free opportunity to study abroad in Korea during the summer and many more prizes!

We encourage everyone to participate and invite everyone to come and support your friends and classmates at the 8th Annual Korean Speech Contest in Spring 2024!

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