Center for East Asian & Pacific Studies

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AsiaLENS Denise Ho

AsiaLENS: Denise Ho – Becoming the Song/ Sue Williams (Virtual Screening + Online Filmmaker Discussion)

Event Type
Film Screening
Center for East Asian & Pacific Studies; Spurlock Museum of World Cultures
Nov 9, 2021   4:00 - 5:00 pm  
Sue Williams
Register for virtual screening 11/5-11/12 + online discussion 11/9
Jason Finkelman
Originating Calendar
CEAPS Events Calendar

Virtual Screening:
Friday, November 5, 2021, 5pm - Friday, November 12, 2021, 5pm
(A link to view the film will be emailed to registered participants on November 5, 2021.)

Password: KLWest39!

Online Filmmaker Discussion:
Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 4pm

About the Movie
“Denise Ho – Becoming the Song” profiles the openly gay Hong Kong singer and human rights activist Denise Ho. Drawing on unprecedented, years-long access, the film explores her remarkable journey from commercial Cantopop superstar to outspoken political activist, an artist who has put her life and career on the line to support the determined struggle of Hong Kong citizens to maintain their identity and freedom. (Sue Williams and Helen Siu. 2020. United States. 83 minutes.)

About the Director
Sue Williams has produced and directed five critically acclaimed, feature documentaries about China for national PBS broadcast, including Frontline. Contemporary China features prominently in her most recent film, Death by Design. Sue also directed two highly praised biographies on Eleanor Roosevelt and Mary Pickford for the PBS series, American Experience. Her films have been broadcast in more than 25 countries and appeared in festivals around the world; they have won numerous awards, including the Cine Golden Eagle, two International Film & Video Festival Awards, Chris Awards and two Edgar Dale Awards for Best Screenwriting.

*This event is co-sponsored by the Spurlock Museum of World Cultures.

*This event is supported by the U.S. Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center (NRC) program.

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