The Department of History at the University of Illinois invites you to Bodies of Knowledge: A Symposium on the History of Medicine, Science, and the Embodiment of Difference on Friday, April 5, 2024, 9:00AM - 5:15PM at the I Hotel. This one-day conference will showcase how new work on medical and scientific knowledge production challenges what we think we know about the creation, circulation, and application of medical authority in oppressive regimes in the Americas. This symposium will explore how slavery, conquest, war, and colonization co-constituted scientific inquiry across the globe, which led to the marginalization, stigmatization, and pathologization of non-white and/or non-normative bodies across distinctive historical epochs.
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9:00 am: Welcome and coffee
10:00am-11:30am: Panel 1-Making Gender, Race, and Diseased States in the Era of Slavery
Sean M. Smith former Postdoc at Yale University/independent scholar
Mary Hicks, Assistant Professor at University of Chicago
Diana Louis, Assistant Professor at University of Michigan
1:30pm-3:00pm: Panel 2- Medico-Military Industrial Complex: Sex, Race, and Power
Rana Hogarth, Associate Professor at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Lorenzo Servitje, Associate Professor at Lehigh University
Natalie Shibley, Visiting Assistant Professor at Northeastern University
3:00-3:45 Coffee Break
4:00-5:15 pm: Keynote
Professor Jim Downs, the Gilder Lehrman NEH Chair of Civil War Era Studies and History at Gettysburg College and author of Maladies of Empire: How Colonialism, Slavery and War Transformed Medicine.
5:15-6:45pm: Reception