Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)

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Reparation + Resistance: Digital Archives in Latin America (4/20 3:00 PM CST) on Zoom In this Speaker Event, we will have a conversation with two digital archives in Latin America that use their collections for constructing social, historical and political memory as reparation and/or resistance. Join us on Zoom on April 20th at 3:00 pm (GMT-5 Chicago/Bogotá) – 4:00 pm (GMT-4 Santiago). Click on poster for registration and more info .

Empowering Digital Equity & Access

Event Type
Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies
wifi event
Apr 20, 2023   3:00 pm  

Reparation + Resistance: Digital Archives in Latin America (4/20 3:00 PM CST) on Zoom

In this Speaker Event, we will have a conversation with two digital archives in Latin America that use their collections for constructing social, historical and political memory as reparation and/or resistance: 

Londres 38 (Chile), a space for collective memory on a former detention and torture center during Pinochet’s dictatorship that promotes reflection around the history and effects of the event. Speaker: Leslie Araneda — Digital archive coordinator

Comisión de la verdad (Colombia), (in English, “Truth commission”) a public entity exploring the causes behind five decades of armed conflict in Colombia, and part of the larger peace efforts in the country after the peace agreements between the Government and FARC-EP. Speaker: Camilo Murcia — Digital archive curator

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