Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)

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Details for Nov 10 Lincopi talk - all included in event description.

LAC Cities Collective: Claudio Alvarado Lincopi

Event Type
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Department of Geography & GIS, Department of Urban & Regional Planning
Natural History Building, Room 2079
Nov 10, 2022   5:30 pm  
Claudio Alvarado Lincopi

Join us for the next installment of our new initiative: the Latin American and Caribbean Cities Collective, led by Drs. Nikolai A. Alvarado (Geography & GIS) and Magdalena Novoa (Urban & Regional Planning). 

On November 10th, Dr. Claudio Alvarado Lincopi, Historian and Researcher at the Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Studies in Santiago, Chile, visits campus to give a talk titled "Santiagónico: ciudad barroca y la producción plebeya del espacio público" (Santiagónico: Baroque City and the Plebeian Production of Public Space).

Claudio Alvarado Lincopi holds a PhD in Architecture and Urban Studies from the Pontífica Universidad Católica de Chile. His research encompasses the fields of cultural urban studies and the history of the Mapuche people. Dr. Alvarado Lincopi is one of the main critical contributors on Mapuche life in the city, making him a leading voice on the intersection between indigenous histories and urban processes in/from the Global South. He has worked in transdisciplinary settings on issues related to racism and the city. These collaborations have resulted in a number of books, articles, artistic creations, and theatrical productions. Dr. Alvarado Lincopi is the author of Mapurbekistan. ciudad, cuerpo y racismo. Siglo XX (Mapurbekistán: City, Body, and Racism. The Mapuche Diaspora in the 20th Century) and co-author of Santiago Waria Mew. Memoria y fotografía de la migración mapuche (Santiago Waria Mew: Memory and Photography of Mapuche Migration) (2017), as well as Diarios Mapuche 1935-1966. Escrituras y pensamientos bajo el colonialismo chileno del siglo XX (Mapuche Diaries 1935-1966: Writings and Thought Under Chilean Colonialism of the 20th Century) (2019). His articles include: “La emergencia de la ciudad colonial en Ngülumapu: control social, desposesión e imaginarios urbanos” (The Emergency of the Colonial City in Ngülumapu: Social Control, Dispossession and Urban Imaginaries) (2015), and "Objetos petrificados, objetos vivificados. Reflexiones sobre patrimonio, poder y vida mapuche urbana” (Petrified Objects, Animated Objects: Reflections on Heritage, Power, and Mapuche Urban Life) (2020). In 2009 he received a scholarship from the Pablo Neruda Foundation and the Literary Municipal Award Gabriela Mistral. Dr. Alvarado Lincopi is currently a researcher for the Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Studies in Santiago, Chile. 


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