Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL)

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The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning is dedicated to promoting, enhancing, and assessing teaching effectiveness and student learning. We assist faculty, academic units, and teaching assistants in improving instruction. In addition to the events listed below, we are always available for individual consultations or special activities within a department or college. Most of the workshops count toward CITL certificate program continuing education credit. Please check back often to see what events have been added. Want reminders of what teaching sessions are coming up soon? Join our CITL listserv by sending an e-mail message (must be from your University of Illinois address) to, and in the body of the message write only the following:  subscribe CITL

Jr. Faculty Spring 2020 Teaching Series, wksp #3: “Art of the Lecture Series” – Engaging Students through Active Learning

Event Type
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL)
Room 428 Armory Buildling (Southwest corner of the building)
Feb 26, 2020   11:30 am - 1:00 pm  
Cheelan Bo-Linn (CITL)
No cost for joining the faculty learning community.
Registration is required. Please click here to register
Cheelan Bo-Linn
Originating Calendar
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning

Junior Faculty Seminar Series on Teaching & Learning

Come join this learning community by participating in this specially designed seminar series for junior faculty, though all are welcomed to participate. We'll share strategies and best practices for effective and efficient teaching. There will be great conversations, handouts, and lunch! Since each session builds on each other, we hope you will be able to attend all the meetings.  

Session 3:“Art of the Lecture Series” – Engaging Students through Active Learning

Students: This class is so boring. I’m not learning anything.

Teacher: Why aren’t the students more engaged? This content is so exciting.

Learning is not a spectator sport (Chickering & Gamson). Students must be cognitively, physically, and affectively engaged for deeper learning and retention to occur. Yet, we have to admit, there are many distractions and the attention span of our students can be relatively short. How do we manage the amount of content that we should teach while providing opportunities for our students to be engaged in active learning?

We’ll explore and practice several active learning strategies, beginning with those that can be easily implemented and are of low risk. Also, we’ll learn about Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATS), active learning strategies that are ungraded and provide important information about how well our students are learning. 



This workshop counts towards the Graduate Teacher Certificate, the Teacher Scholar Certificate or the Certificate in Foundations of Teaching.

Please mark these dates on your calendar

Wed, Feb. 12, 2020      Session 1: The Teaching Philosophy Statement for Promotion & Tenure

Wed, Feb. 19, 2020      Session 2: Effective Team Projects and Student   Teams: What, How and Why

Wed, Feb. 26, 2020      Session 3: "Art of the Lecture Series" - Engaging Students through Active Learning *

Wed, Mar 4, 2020       Session 4: Cheating: An Inappropriate Student Response to an Ineffective Learning Environment

Th, Mar 5, 2020          Campus Annual Faculty Retreat: “Harnessing the Science of Emotion to Spark Learning”  (Location: Illini Union Rooms A, B, C)

Wed, Mar 11, 2020     Session 5: "Art of the Lecture Series" - Leveraging Multimedia Instruction *

* Each semester, we will identify special topics or issues that are especially relevant in transforming traditional lectures to a more dynamic lecture method of teaching.


For more teaching information, visit our main CITL web site.  To join our CITL listserv, send an e-mail message (must be from your University of Illinois address) to, and in the body of the message write only the following: subscribe CITL

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