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2023 Nelson J. Leonard Lecture in the School of Chemical Sciences: Dr. Hiro Suga, The University of Tokyo: "The next generation of RaPID system for pseudo-natural peptides and products"

Event Type
School of Chemical Sciences
Alice Campbell Alumni Center Ballroom (Reception immediately following in ACAC lobby)
Apr 18, 2023   4:00 pm  
Dr. Hiro Suga
Karla Denzler
Originating Calendar
SCS - Major Named Lectures and Symposia

Reception at 5:15 pm in lobby outside of ACAC Ballroom

The Nelson J. Leonard Distinguished Lecture Fund was established in 1986 by the late Mrs. Louise Leonard, Eli Lilly and Company, the Monsanto Company, Organic Syntheses, Inc., and Professor Leonard’s colleagues and students, in recognition of his impact on the Illinois community and beyond. At the time of Professor Leonard’s retirement in 1986, he had been at the University of Illinois for 44 years, directed 120 graduate students, and published over 400 papers.

The purpose of the fund is to bring world-renowned lecturers to Illinois to present the latest in scholarly developments and research. Past lecturers include Nobel Laureates Thomas Cech and Phillip Sharp, and former United States Secretary of Energy Steven Chu.

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