LAS Office of Research

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From Scholars to Storytellers

Event Type
LAS Office of Research
314B Illini Union
Feb 13, 2025   10:00 am - 2:30 pm  
Dr. John Ghazvinian
Register by Feb. 6th
Erika Smith

The LAS Office of Research and Department of History are excited to collaborate and offer the spring program, “From Scholar to Storytellers” for faculty researchers. Scholars are frequently called upon to share their expertise with a diverse range of publics outside the confines of academia—from policymakers to civic organizations to the media. A critical part of this public engagement— and the place where it often begins—is the publication of a book with a “trade press.” 

This program will provide an introduction to the world of trade publishing in two sessions. Attendees are welcome to register for one or both sessions. A networking lunch will be hosted between sessions. 

Part I. The World of Trade Publishing (10:00A - 12:00P) - This session covers the basics of commercial publishing – how it differs from academic publishing, what to expect, the pros and cons of trade publishing, and some of the resources available for scholars wanting to make this transition. 

Part II. Making the Leap (12:30P - 2:30P) - This session provides participants with practical, actionable advice about the nuts and bolts of writing a non-fiction book proposal for a commercial press and the process of finding an agent--including common pitfalls to avoid.

Sessions will be led by Dr. John Ghazvinian, an author, historian and former journalist specializing in the history of US-Iran relations and members of the LAS Office of Communications and Marketing team will be available to provide information on Newswise and other institutional resources that assist scholars with public engagement.

Space for this event is limited. Participants can register for Part I, Part II, or both sessions of the workshop. Lunch provided to those joining us for the networking luncheon between sessions. Register by Feb 6th.

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