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The Collective-Action Constitution

Event Type
University of Illinois College of Law and the Program in Constitutional Theory, History and Law
Max L. Rowe Auditorium, Law Building
Apr 23, 2025   12:00 - 1:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
College of Law - Lectures Calendar

The Collective-Action Constitution 
Wednesday, April 23

Featuring Neil Siegel
David W. Ichel Distinguished Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science
Director of the Summer Institute on Law and Policy
Duke Law

In a provocative new account of national power, Professor Neil Siegel argues that the U.S. Constitution makes the federal government responsible for solving a wide range of public problems--including environmental threats, health risks, gun violence, drug addiction, and inequality--that states cannot solve on their own and sometimes make worse. Professor Siegel will discuss the historical origins of his account of the Constitution and its implications for federal programs today.

Sponsored by the Program in Constitutional Theory, History and Law 

Free and open to the public.
A limited number of lunches available for attendees.

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