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The image shows a woman sitting on a beige couch, holding her lower back with a pained expression, suggesting discomfort or back pain. She is wearing a light pink sweater and blue jeans, with a white brick wall and abstract artwork in the background. Overlaid text reads "Community seminar series" in bold white font, centered in the design. Dark blue curved borders frame the top left and bottom right corners of the image.

Is It All in My Head? Mind-Body Approaches to Pain

Event Type
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute & Illinois Extension
Mar 12, 2025   12:00 pm  
Psychology PhD Candidate Malee Powell, MS, LMT
Register for Zoom details
Max Wallace
Originating Calendar
IHSI Events

It's no secret that biopsychosocial factors can lead to uncomfortable body sensations, but what does this mean for how we approach pain and health in general? Join us for an interactive session with Psychology PhD Candidate Malee Powell, MS, LMT, to learn more about the biopsychosocial model of pain and how to apply this framework to your daily life.  

A partnership between the Illinois Extension and the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute, the Community Seminar Series provides educational seminars of interest to the community each fall, spring, and summer, delivered virtually by graduate students and postdoctoral research trainees. The Community Seminar Series covers health topics driven by public interest, helping attendees make healthier choices and overcome public health misinformation. 

CEUs through the Continuing Education Institute of Illinois (CEII) are available.  

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