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Reading as belonging: Implications for Library and Information Practice

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Mortenson Center for International Library Programs, Center for Global Studies, School of Information Sciences and University of Illinois Library
School of Information Sciences - Room 126
Sep 19, 2024   3:30 - 5:45 pm  
Dr. Nadia Caidi is Professor and Director of International Student Experience at the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. She is a scholar of information (and) marginalization and the role that information resources, institutions, and technologies play in the everyday lives of individuals and communities in various states of transition. Her research has been conducted in the context of global migration, language communities in a minority context, techno-spiritual and religious practices, and diversity by design in the information fields. Read more about Dr. Caidi on her faculty profile and personal webpage.
Originating Calendar
Center for Global Studies: Events

Join us for the 34th Annual Mortenson Distinguished Lecture with Nadia Caidi. Dr. Caidi will deliver a presentation titled “Reading as Belonging: Implications for Library and Information Practice.” Drawing on her research on migration and belonging through the lens of heritage language and young people’s engagement with reading for pleasure, she examines the extent to which the library and information field equips students and staff with the skills and mindset they need to work meaningfully with communities, to practice an ethics of care towards the most marginalized, and to take responsibility for our collective future. To learn more, please visit our website:

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