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School-Based Agriculture for Nature-Based Solutions

Event Type
IHSI & Illinois Extension
Oct 23, 2024   12:00 pm  
Tomas Delgado, Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences
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Maxwell Wallace
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IHSI Events

Explore the transformative potential of school food forests as climate change interventions. In this session, Tomas Delgado will delve into how these agroforestry-based programs produce fresh, nourishing food while enhancing socio-emotional wellness and environmental stewardship. By transforming school garden sites into multi-functional systems, these initiatives also offer high-capacity food production, mitigate negative environmental impacts, and provide opportunities for stress relief.

Delgado, is a master's student in the Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences department at Illinois and program manager for the National Farm to School Network, an organization that supports K-12 and ECE communities in accessing local food, designing food and agriculture curricula, and facilitating school-based agriculture projects. He is deeply committed to food justice, nature-based education, and socially equitable access to nature and nourishment.

CEU's through the Continuing Education Institute of Illinois (CEII) are now available.

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