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Dean's Distinguished Speaker Series | Sohyun An

Event Type
College of Education
22 Education Building
Nov 7, 2024   12:15 - 1:15 pm   A reception will follow the lecture.
Dr. Sohyun An
Aly Stephenson
Originating Calendar
College of Education Events

Sohyun An is a professor of social studies education at Kennesaw State University. Her research and teaching center on K-12 Asian American studies and social studies education. She is co-author of Teaching Asian America in Elementary Classrooms with Noreen Naseem Rodríguez and Esther June Kim, and has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and articles in scholarly and practitioner journals such as Multicultural Perspectives, Rethinking Schools, Social Studies and Young Learners, and Journal of Curriculum Studies. 

An's list of awards includes a Distinguished Researcher Award from American Educational Research Association’s Research on the Education of Asian Pacific Americans Special Interest Group and Distinguished Professor Award from Kennesaw State University as well as the Outstanding Paper Award from AERA’s Social Studies Research Special Interest Group. She is also a co-founder of Asian American Voices for Education, working alongside Asian American youth, educators, and community organizers to advance Asian American studies and ethnic studies in Georgia’s K-12 schools. Before becoming a teacher educator, An was a middle and high school teacher in South Korea.

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