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Boneyard Creek Community Day 2024

Event Type
Community Service
City of Champaign; Champaign Park District
Scott Park; 207 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign
Apr 20, 2024   9:00 am - 12:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Facilties & Services Events

Looking for a class volunteer project or a new way to bring the family together? Join us in making a difference at one of Champaign-Urbana’s natural treasures. Help restore the beauty of the Boneyard Creek in Champaign, Urbana, and Campus-town by participating in this organized clean-up.

Location sites include:
Scott Park
Kaufman Lake/Heritage Park
Anita Purves
Boneyard Creek Crossing
Savoy Rt 45
UI Campus
North Prospect

The Boneyard Creek Community Day event is possible because of our many community volunteers. Volunteers clean up litter and non-native plants from areas all over Champaign Urbana. Work sites vary from those suitable for younger children to more challenging sites.

For more information and potential weather related delays/cancellation please see the website the morning of the clean-up.

What should I wear?

Dress to work outside. No open-toed shoes. Some projects may involve getting into the creek. Those participants should wear boots. Please bring your own refillable water bottle and please wear your orange Boneyard shirt from a previous year if you have one.

If you don't want to keep your orange shirt, please return it to us at the end of the event in the bins at Scott Park.

Why are we doing this?

Boneyard Creek Community Day is a way to celebrate and protect our lakes and streams by engaging volunteers to pitch in and clean. Litter looks bad and leads to more litter. It clogs storm drains causing local flooding and ends up in receiving streams harming aquatic life. This event helps remind us all to be responsible citizens and put trash in its place.
Rain Date: May 4, 2024
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