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Illinois Interfaith Conference February 24 and 25. Featuring a keynote by Rabbi Allyson Zacharoff

Illinois Interfaith Conference

Event Type
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Feb 24, 2023 - Feb 25, 2023   All Day
Rabbi Allyson Zacharoff. Special Advisor on Spiritual Life Programming and Religious Discrimination at New York University.
Ross Wantland
Originating Calendar
OVCDEI – Events

We often hear about the ways religion makes us different or divides us. How can we build upon the ways that religious, spiritual, and secular diversity can bring us together and help us build stronger communities? What are the skills we all need to build understanding across faith and philosophical difference? Join us for the Illinois Interfaith Conference to explore these issues together. Registration is free and meals and transportation to the service project are provided.

The Illinois Interfaith Conference is a free opportunity for University of Illinois students and campus allies- as well as student leaders and professionals from across the Midwest- to join together to engage in critical questions about interfaith engagement on the college campus.

All people of religious and non-religious philosophical traditions are welcome! The Illinois Interfaith Conference is co-sponsored by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Diversity & Social Justice Education, Illini Hillel, Interfaith in Action RSO, and the University YMCA.

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