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Quantum Networking at AFRL

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May 10, 2022   11:00 am - 12:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Illinois ECE Calendar

You are invited to attend Hybrid Quantum Architectures and Networks (HQAN) talk at UIUC, in person or on zoom.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022 | 11am-12pm (CT) | 190 Engineering Sciences Building (ESB 190)

"Quantum Networking at AFRL

Speaker: Dr. Kathy-Anne Soderberg, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)

Abstract of the talk

Effective and efficient ways to connect disparate qubit technologies is an outstanding challenge in quantum information science. However, the ability to interface different qubit modalities will have far-reaching implications for quantum computing and quantum networking. Here we present plans and progress toward developing a distributed quantum networking testbed to distribute entanglement between trapped ion, superconducting, and integrated photonic qubits. We will also discuss student internship and visiting researcher opportunities and different pathways to connect with the Air Force Research Laboratory.

About the speaker

Dr. Kathy-Anne Brickman Soderberg is a Principal Research Scientist at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Information Directorate in Rome, NY. Dr. Soderberg is the primary investigator and team lead for AFRL’s Trapped-Ion Quantum Networking group. Dr. Soderberg received a B.S. in physics from the College of William and Mary, a M.S. and Ph.D. in physics from the University of Michigan, and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Chicago. Dr. Soderberg has over fifteen years of technical experience in atomic physics and quantum information processing. Her graduate work focused on trapped-ion quantum computing research and included key demonstrations of phonon-mediated entangling gates and proof-of-principle quantum algorithms (the Grover search algorithm). Her postdoctoral work focused on novel neutral-atom quantum computing and the difficulties associated with targeted atomic interactions and optical lattice translation and control. Before joining AFRL, Dr. Soderberg was a technical consultant for quantum information science.


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