Conference Website
Presentation Schedule
The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures and Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are pleased to announce the 29th Conference of the Central Association of Teachers of Japanese (CATJ) on May 21-22, 2022. We are excited to carry on the tradition of bringing together Japanese language professionals from across the US and Canada to network and share their research and ideas on best practices in teaching and advising. In addition, we seek to provide opportunities in which K-12 Japanese language educators can interact with college instructors and exchange ideas regarding the current issues of our shared profession.
The theme of CATJ 29 is “Preparing for Post-Covid (?) Japanese Language Education: Leveraging What We Learned (ポスト・コロナ (?) の日本語教育:この体験を未来に繋ぐ).”
Teaching during the pandemic has given us opportunities to learn (rather quickly) a wide variety of technologies and instructional modes to keep learning diverse and engaging, which has yielded both successes and challenges. From asynchronous classrooms, to synchronous, hybrid, and in-person with social distancing, each of us has recognized how difficult it is to build equitable and inclusive education. We hope this conference will be a space where each of us reflects on and shares experiences and ideas about what they learned during the pandemic, and how we can move forward from here.
Keynote Speakers
- Ms. Ann Jordan (Immediate Past President of AATJ; Laurasian Institution)
- Ms. Tomoko Takami (President of AATJ; University of Pennsylvania)
- Dr. Shinsuke Tsuchiya (Brigham Young University)
Roundtable Discussion
Former learners of Japanese will share their experiences and benefits of learning Japanese in their career.
Moderator: Dr. Roderick Wilson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Panelists: Mr. Matthew Alt (Vice President of AltJapan); Ms. Daphne Iskos (Diplomatic Assistant at the Embassy of Japan, D.C.); Dr. Jason Jones (Monash University, Australia)