Materials Research Laboratory

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QSQM Junior Research Hour: "Effects of Orbital-Selective Mott Phase on Electronic Structures in Iron Chalcogenide Superconductors," Younsik Kim, Seoul National University

Event Type
Quantum Sensing and Quantum Materials (QSQM)
UIUC: 2008 Superconductivity Room | SLAC: 130 McCullough Building
Mar 27, 2024   1:00 - 2:00 pm  
Younsik Kim, Seoul National University
Dipanjan Chaudhuri
Originating Calendar
QSQM Events

Effects of Orbital-Selective Mott Phase on Electronic Structures in Iron Chalcogenide Superconductors

Abstract: Multiorbital systems with strong electron correlations often exhibit an orbital-selective Mott phase (OSMP), where one orbital is effectively localized while the others remain in a metallic state. Despite high interest in the OSMP, studies on its role in electronic structures remain elusive. In this seminar, I will introduce how the OSMP affects the electronic structures in iron chalcogenides, a prototypical OSMP system. Laser-based high-resolution ARPES results reveal that the OSMP can induce heavy fermionic behavior and topological phase transition [1]. These results show that OSMP plays a significant role in the electronic structures in the strongly correlated regime.

[1] Y. Kim et al., Nat. Commun. 14, 4145 (2023).

About the QSQM: The EFRC-QSQM center aims to develop and apply nontrivial quantum sensing to measure and correlate local and nonlocal quantum observables in exotic superconductors, topological crystalline insulators, and strange metals. The center is led by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in partnership with the University of Illinois at Chicago and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

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