Explore educational events put on by the eLearning team at Engineering IT Shared Services! We have talks about Canvas, accessibility, instructional best practices, online tools, AV classrooms training, and more. Come one, come all, and let's share the knowledge!
For more resources, please visit our website at https://engrit.illinois.edu/services/instructional-services/instructionresources.
If you would like to submit a support ticket about Canvas, please do so using this form: https://go.engineering.illinois.edu/CanvasSupport.
Join the eLearning team at Engineering IT to talk about how Canvas can facilitate timely communication with your students. The topics in this talk include Canvas’s inbox, announcements, discussions, and FERPA considerations. Please come with your questions and curiosity.
Registration link: https://illinois.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtd-6vqj0vGdLxemgPmk8AdiCW3zrgC7pK
Link to the slides: https://go.engineering.illinois.edu/CanvasPowerHourBeyondTheInbox
Thank you for checking out our calendar! We hope to see you at a talk soon!
Engineering IT Shared Services
The Grainger College of Engineering