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The "21st Annual Workshop on Charm++ and its Applications" will take place April 25-26 at the Siebel Center for Computer Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Attendees may also participate via Zoom after registering.
The broad theme is runtime adaptivity, task-based models and irregular/dynamic computations in parallel computing. There will be several talks on Charm++, Charm4Py and runtime system issues; On Charm++ applications, including NAMD, ChaNGa, SpECTRE and Enzo-E/Cello. Talks will also cover other parallel programming systems and associated research, including HPX, PaRSEC, Chapel, YGM and more.
The keynote for this year's workshop will be presented by Prof. David Bader of the New Jersey Institute of Technology: "Arachne: An Open-Source Framework for Interactive Massive-Scale Graph Analytics" at 9 a.m. CT on April 26 (second day of the workshop).
Although we hope you will attend it in person, the talks will also be available online via Zoom. Please register HERE to receive an invite to the Zoom session.
Registration fee of $100 covers meals and other workshop expenses for in-person attendees. Registration fee will be waived for local attendees if they are not partaking in meals.
Visit the workshop's website for more information.