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Women@NCSA: "Contesting Archival Silences: Women, Technology, and Creating Inclusive Archives"

Event Type
wifi event
Nov 4, 2020   2:00 pm  
Bethany Anderson, Assistant Professor and Natural and Applied Sciences Archivist at Illinois
Originating Calendar
NCSA events

Women@NCSA invites to attend a talk on "Contesting Archival Silences: Women, Technology, and Creating Inclusive Archives" from 2:00–3:00 p.m. hosted on Zoom Wednesday, November 4. Join the discussion and learn about addressing and approaching representation gaps in the archived history of technology from Bethany Anderson.

Abstract: If archives are to represent and serve the communities for which they are created and maintained, they should reflect the diversity of those communities. In particular, while the history of technology has been relatively well documented, records about women technologists—who are a critical part of that history—are often missing from the archives. Using the holdings of the University of Illinois Archives as a starting point, this talk will discuss taking an intersectional feminist approach to collecting archival evidence of women technologists and the importance of proactive archival collecting.

This event is open to all affiliates, friends, and staff of NCSA.

Join the Zoom Meeting here:
Meeting ID: 861 9552 4527
Password: 753165

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