Title: Infinite geodesic in inhomogeneous exponential last passage percolation.
Abstract: This talk will discuss some recent progress in understanding the structure of semi-infinite geodesics and their associated Busemann functions in the inhomogeneous, exactly solvable exponential last-passage percolation model. In contrast to the homogeneous model, this generalization admits linear segments of the limit shape and an associated richer structure of semi-infinite geodesic behaviors. Depending on certain choices of the inhomogeneity parameters, we show that the model exhibits new behaviors of semi-infinite geodesics, which include wandering semi-infinite geodesics with no asymptotic direction, isolated asymptotic directions of semi-infinite geodesics, and non-trivial intervals of directions with no semi-infinite geodesics. Based on joint work with Elnur Emrah (Bristol) and Timo Seppäläinen (Madison)