Speaker: Daniel W. Cranston (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Title: Reconfiguration of Colorings and List Colorings
Abstract: A recoloring step in a graph G for a (list) coloring \alpha recolors some vertex v with a color allowable for v that is not used by \alpha on any neighbor of v, yielding a new proper coloring. Given proper (list) colorings \alpha and \beta of G, we ask questions like: Can we transform \alpha to \beta by a sequence of recoloring steps? And: Over all \alpha and \beta, what is the longest that a shortest sequence from \alpha to \beta can be?
In this talk we will survey results on reconfiguration of colorings and list colorings. And end with a few conjectures.
Link: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/87670514695?pwd=Kmkavbj2OdWbJHc75ZRrpWIV1SnCSb.1
Meeting ID: 876 7051 4695
Password: graph