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GGT seminar: Bending deformations and the arithmetic of surface group representations

Event Type
Groups, Geometry, and Topology Seminar
347 Altgeld Hall
Feb 27, 2025   11:00 am - 12:00 pm  
Michael Zshornack (Northwestern)
Originating Calendar
Groups, Geometry, and Topology Calendar

"Bending" is a fairly elementary construction that allows one to produce new representations of surface groups from old ones. The geometry associated to these deformations has been studied by many, for instance, Thurston, in constructing examples of quasi-Fuchsian groups. Recently, the utility of these deformations in more arithmetic contexts has come to light following several results using bending to produce thin surface subgroups in many higher-rank lattices. I'll explain what these deformations are and their applications to understanding arithmetic properties of higher-rank Teichmüller spaces. Time permitting, I'll also discuss some applications towards representation varieties of surface groups into p-adic groups. This is based, in part, on joint work with Jacques Audibert.

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