"Ecologies of Design"
The series explores the interconnected systems, methodologies and social, cultural, and environmental contexts of architectural design. How does design consider the interrelated, dynamic, and evolving relationships between humans, and living and non-living entities, between material, infrastructural, urban, and ecological networks?
TITLE: Making Space: Centering our Youth and the Future of Black Liberation Care Practices
This presentation shares the transformative impacts of centering youth in community engagement. I introduce the practice and scholarship of Dr. Sharon Sutton along with Mojdeh Baratloo, two leaders in architecture and youth development who have been influencers in the shaping of my own practice. The presentation also shares the ways in which the vision of BlackSpace Urbanist Collective and NYC Public Schools agendas has provided the underpinnings for centering youth in community engaged practices.
Peter (he/him) is the founder of WorkUrban, a design consultancy that partners with
communities, individuals and institutions while engaging students on a pathway toward
leadership and empowerment. Through community engagement and participatory design,
WorkUrban promotes effective urbanism around the world.
As a founding board member of BlackSpace Urbanist Collective, Peter utilizes his strong
belief in the power of collaboration to advance student advocacy and create community
A sought-after leader in the field of design consultancy, Peter also serves on the Board of
Advisors for BRACE: Building Research + Architecture + Community Exchange, and serves
as Secretary / Treasurer | Board of Directors | Association of Collegiate Schools of
Architecture. Peter is also serves as Chair on the Board of Trustees at AIA New York |
Center for Architecture.
Peter, a native of Kingston, Jamaica, was raised in both Kingston and New York City. He
earned a Bachelors of Architecture degree from Cornell University and a Masters of
Science in Architecture and Urban Design from Columbia University.
Peter is an Assistant Professor | Social Justice and Equity Cohort, in the Department of
Architecture at Cornell University; where he was also the Fall 2021 Mellon Scholar.
Reception in Temple Buell Hall Atrium at 5:30PM
Lecture begins at 6PM in the Plym Auditorium