Research Seminars @ Illinois

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Engineering Materials with Enhanced Performance: a Metallurgist's Perspective

Event Type
Mechanical Science and Engineering
4100 Sidney Lu Mechanical Engineering Building
Nov 21, 2024   3:00 pm  
Dr. Demircan Canadinc, Mechanical Engineering Department, Koc University
Amy Rumsey
Originating Calendar
MechSE Seminars


This presentation details the efforts of a metallurgist and his colleagues to design novel refractory alloys with intended utility in aerospace industry, as well as implant materials to be utilized in orthopedic and dental implants. Recent case studies, and the current challenges and a new approach based on machine learning and advanced materials technology are presented. Furthermore, a realistic assessment of the current state of research in this field and the future outlook are discussed.

 About the Speaker

Dr. Demircan Canadinc received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2005. Following post-doctorate appointments at the University of Paderborn in Germany and the University of Illinois, he joined the Mechanical Engineering Department at Koc University in, where he is currently working as a full professor. Dr. Canadinc's research focuses on the numerical and experimental characterization of metallic materials, and alloy design for structural, aerospace, and biomedical applications. His research in these areas has led to more than 100 scientific articles and an international patent. Within the recent years he has adapted the artificial intelligence techniques to metallurgical problems, focusing on the design of refractory high-entropy alloys, high-temperature shape memory alloys and novel implant materials. Dr. Canadinc has also owned and operated a Texas-based scientific consulting company serving industry since 2017. His scholarly activities in the broad field of mechanics of materials were recognized by national and international authorities, including the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany, which awarded Dr. Canadinc with the prestigious Humboldt Research Award in October 2022.

Host: Professor Huseyin Sehitoglu

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