Research Seminars @ Illinois

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Tailored for undergraduate researchers, this calendar is a curated list of research seminars at the University of Illinois. Explore the diverse world of research and expand your knowledge through engaging sessions designed to inspire and enlighten.

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Seminar Speaker: Jiwen Fan, Deputy Division Director of the Environmental Science Division, Argonne National Laboratories

Event Type
Professor Sonia Lasher-Trapp
2079 NHB
wifi event
Feb 4, 2025   3:30 pm  
Originating Calendar
CliMAS colloquia

Strengthening collaborations on Earth system science between UIUC and Argonne National Laboratory

Dr. Jiwen Fan, Deputy Division Director of the Environmental Science Division (EVS) and Argonne Distinguished Fellow at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), will give a seminar aiming at fostering stronger collaboration between the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and ANL. She will provide an overview of the core competencies and cutting-edge capabilities of the EVS/ANL. She will also share her latest research endeavors in model developments for DOE’s Exascale Energy Earth System Model (E3SM) with ML/AI and physical understandings of severe storms (i.e., Derechos and hailstorms).  Dr. Fan will discuss potential avenues for collaboration, including: the development and application of AI/ML models for environmental and Earth system research; investigating interactions between agriculture, biology, and the atmosphere, advancing the understanding of complex weather systems, promoting resilience and sustainability in response to climate challenges

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