Research Seminars @ Illinois

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Food For Thought: Mattia Gazzola and Ned O'Gorman

Event Type
Center for Advanced Study
Levis Faculty Center, Room 210
Dec 3, 2024   11:00 am - 1:00 pm  
Center for Advanced Study
Originating Calendar
Center for Advanced Study

We are delighted to showcase the work of some of our most productive and creative faculty in this informal series of intellectually and spiritually invigorating presentations. You are invited to drop in when you can to learn about the exciting projects undertaken by our faculty.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

11:00am-11:45am: Mattia Gazzola, CAS Beckman Fellow 2023-24, Mechanical Science & Engineering

Mind in Vitro -- Computing with Living Neurons

Can computing systems be built out of living neurons? Can they achieve basic hallmarks of cognition such as learning, attention, curiosity, or creativity, so pervasive in biology yet elusive in modern computing? In the Mind in Vitro Expedition we imagine computers and robots that are human-designed but living. That can be programmed, but whose behaviors are not specified, and instead, emerge. These systems will grow, heal, learn and explore. In this talk, Professor Gazzola will discuss his research group’s vision, progress to date, successes and challenges.

Noon-12:45pm: Ned O’Gorman, CAS Associate 2023-24, Communication

Rethinking Liberalism

Liberalism was until recently a dominant global ideology. Professor O’Gorman’s work over the last several years has been focused on trying to understand the reasons for and consequences of liberalism’s success in the 20th century. Digging into liberalism’s modern history he has found that it is surprisingly shape-shifting and frequently thin, forcing him to rethink liberalism and its history. In this presentation, Professor O’Gorman will offer ten new theses on liberalism that have grown out of his expanding research on the topic.

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