Research Seminars @ Illinois

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Carmen Rovi (Loyola): The striped cylinder cobordism category

Event Type
UIUC math department
Altgeld 241
Feb 11, 2025   11:00 am  
Originating Calendar
Topology Seminar

Cobordism categories describe the algebraic gluing structure of manifolds, and they are central in the functorial description of topological quantum field theories (TQFTs). We consider a new “nested” variation of a cobordism category where manifolds come with embedded submanifolds and cobordisms with sub-cobordisms. An example is the category of cylinders with lines. In this talk, I will describe the algebraic structure associated with this striped cylinder cobordism category. This is joint work with Calle, Hoekzema, Murray, Pacheco-Tallaj,  and Sridhar-Shapiro.

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