Research Seminars @ Illinois

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Tailored for undergraduate researchers, this calendar is a curated list of research seminars at the University of Illinois. Explore the diverse world of research and expand your knowledge through engaging sessions designed to inspire and enlighten.

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Coble Lectures: The Minimal Genus Problem

Event Type
Department of Mathematics
Altgeld 245
Nov 13, 2024   4:00 pm  
Peter Kronheimer (Harvard)
Originating Calendar
Mathematics Colloquium & Named Lectures
Abstract: Topology in dimension 4 is very different in flavor from topology in any other dimension. At the heart of the issue is the problem of embedding 2-dimensional manifolds in 4-dimensional ones: when can a continuous map from a surface to a smooth 4-manifold be continuously deformed to a smooth embedding? This question and its variants have a long history, and our understanding of the problem is still increasing, but broad open questions remain.

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