Research Seminars @ Illinois

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Tomer Schlank (U Chicago): Random Links and Arithmetic Statistics

Event Type
UIUC math department
Altgeld 241
Sep 10, 2024   11:00 am  
Originating Calendar
Topology Seminar

Étalé homotopy is a theory that enables the study of algebraic and arithmetic concepts through geometric perspectives. Barry Mazur observed that, from this viewpoint, square-free integers are analogous to links in three-dimensional space. We will explore this analogy and propose a way to give it a statistical flavor. Informally, we assert that a random square-free integer of size approximately X resembles the closure of a random braid on roughly logX strands. We will make this statement more precise by introducing a number-theoretical analog for a family of numerical link invariants (called Kei's) and use this analogy to propose a conjecture regarding their asymptotic behavior. We will also present a few cases where this conjecture has been proven.

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