Research Seminars @ Illinois

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COLLOQUIUM: Adrianna Gillman, "Accurate and Efficient Solution Techniques for Helmholtz Problems in Variable Medium"

Event Type
Siebel School of Computing and Data Science
HYBRID: 2405 Siebel Center for Computer Science or online
wifi event
Nov 11, 2024   3:30 pm  
Originating Calendar
Siebel School Colloquium Series


Refreshments Provided.

The ability to robustly and efficiently solve Helmholtz problems has been plagued by the 
so-called pollution effect and the introduction of artificial resonances by discretization. We will present the Hierarchical Poincare-Steklov (HPS) method which does not observe these shortcomings. This new solution technique is often viewed as combining a composite spectral method with an efficient solver. The uniqueness of the discretization lies in the coupling of elements via Poincare-Steklov operators such as the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator. This presentation will demonstrate that the HPS method effectively and easily solves two-dimensional high-frequency Helmholtz problems. We will share the progress made toward making the HPS method a computationally feasible solution technique for three-dimensional problems. For example, a three-dimensional problem approximately 100 wavelengths in size can be solved to 4 digits of accuracy in 17 minutes with over 1 billion discretization points. Additionally, a problem 50 wavelengths in size can be solved to 8 digits of accuracy in 26 minutes with the same number of discretization points.

The ability to robustly and efficiently solve Helmholtz problems has been plagued by the so-called pollution effect and the introduction of artificial resonances by discretization. We will present the Hierarchical Poincare-Steklov (HPS) method which does not observe these shortcomings. This new solution technique is often viewed as combining a composite spectral method with an efficient solver. The uniqueness of the discretization lies in the coupling of elements via Poincare-Steklov operators such as the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator. This presentation will demonstrate that the HPS method effectively and easily solves two-dimensional high-frequency Helmholtz problems. We will share the progress made toward making the HPS method a computationally feasible solution technique for three-dimensional problems. For example, a three-dimensional problem approximately 100 wavelengths in size can be solved to 4 digits of accuracy in 17 minutes with over 1 billion discretization points. Additionally, a problem 50 wavelengths in size can be solved to 8 digits of accuracy in 26 minutes with the same number of discretization points.

Part of the Siebel School Speakers Series. Faculty Host: Andreas Kloeckner 

Meeting ID: 864 3640 4596 
Passcode: csillinois

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