Research Seminars @ Illinois

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DURP Guest Lecture: Dr. Jennifer Tucker

Event Type
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Temple Hoyne Buell Hall 227
Sep 19, 2024   12:30 pm  
Jennifer Tucker, Community + Regional Planning, University of New Mexico
Originating Calendar
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)

Join us for Dr. Jennifer Tucker's presentation of her book Outlaw Capital: Everyday Illegalities and the Making of Uneven Development, which explores Ciudad del Este and the tri-border region.

Professor Tucker is an Associate Professor of Community and Regional Planning at the University of New Mexico. Her research explores how places and practices construed as informal, illegal or lawless buttress networks of elite power and produce different kinds of urban spaces. Influenced by more than two decades of social movement activism, Professor Tucker's research begins from the premise that ordinary people have the capacity to understand and transform the conditions of their existence; indeed, communities are always engaged in life- making projects of survival and transformation. To this end, her research includes the knowledge and lived experiences of marginalized communities as part of building transformative social theory.

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