Research Seminars @ Illinois

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CAS/MillerComm, traci kato-kiriyama, Navigating With(out) Instruments

Event Type
Center for Advanced Study
Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum
Sep 26, 2024   4:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Center for Advanced Study

Join us for a talk and reading with traci kato-kiriyama on transgenerational trauma and delight, collective self-care, and creative self-determination. She will discuss the memories she both needed to face and wanted most to engage in with the communities surrounding her—from fighting cancer to navigating other “Death Moments”; from her parents’ and grandparents’ history in American concentration camps to the collective catharsis of Redress; within the joys and reimaginings of solidarity and queer love; from solo creative process to place-honoring work with an art+community lens in Los Angeles; from releasing conventional expectations to birthing art through self-determined pathways.

kato-kiriyama offers a dynamic evening of poetry, storytelling, community conversation, and even a prompt or two to take with you and continue your verses.

Hosted by: Global Art Performance Initiatives, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

In conjunction with: Asian American Cultural Center, College of Fine & Applied Arts, Creative Writing Program, Department of Asian American Studies, Department of English, Department of Gender & Women's Studies, Improvisers Exchange, Initiative in Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory Studies, Rhetoric Program, Robert J. and Katherin Carr Visiting Author Series, School of Music, Spurlock Museum, Unit One | Allen Hall

About the speaker | traci kato-kiriyama
George A. Miller Visiting Artist
Poet, author, performer

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