Research Seminars @ Illinois

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SE 290 - Olavo Figueiredo

Event Type
The Department of Industrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering
114 TB
Sep 19, 2024   11:00 am  
Julie Murphy
Originating Calendar
ISE Seminar Calendar

Olavo Figueiredo graduated from the University of Illinois' ISE department in 2010 with a major in General Engineering and a concentration in Business and Consulting.

After graduation, Olavo began his career at a small consulting firm in Chicago, specializing in SAP software, the leading ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system used by most large companies worldwide. Despite having no prior experience in SAP or software development, he quickly became adept at programming after a brief training course. In this role, Olavo developed various custom technology solutions for multiple clients. He later joined a larger consulting firm, where he advanced to Director and led a division focused on delivering cloud-based solutions for SAP customers.

In 2020, Olavo took the leap and founded his own consulting and software development firm, Redfig. At Redfig, Olavo combines his business acumen with his technical expertise to deliver technology-based solutions that provide tangible business value to customers. The company offers IT consulting services and pre-packaged software solutions for enterprises running SAP. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, Redfig has grown steadily and now operates offices in downtown Chicago and Barcelona.

Olavo currently resides in the Chicago suburbs. When not at his desk or on a customer call, he can be found chasing after one of his three kids, playing soccer, or traveling with his wife.

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