Research Seminars @ Illinois

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"Future Farms: Transatlantic Perspectives on the Digital Transformation of Agriculture"

Event Type
ACES Office of International Programs, European Union Center, and Aspen Institute Germany
Sep 9, 2024   7:00 - 11:00 am  
Leslie Myrick
Originating Calendar
ACES Office of International Programs Lectures

As part of the U.S.-German Forum on the Future of Agriculture project, this event will convene participants from Germany, Europe, and the United States to discuss digitalization in the dairy and beef industries and the corresponding policy recommendations developed in the context of the project with representatives from politics, research, business, and praxis. 

We look forward to welcoming speakers from the current cohort of project participants and others, such as Parliamentary State Secretary Claudia Müller (German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture), Secretary of Agriculture Ed Wengryn (State of New Jersey Department of Agriculture), Gregor Beckmann (Lely Deutschland GmbH), Nicolas Rubio (Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA, U.S. Embassy Berlin), Brooke Jamison (Associate Administrator, United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service)and many more. A full program will be released in advance of the event.  

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