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Distinguished BIOE 500 Seminar Speaker - Kevin Otto

Event Type
Bioengineering Department
Everitt Laboratory 2310
Sep 11, 2024   12:00 - 12:50 pm  
Originating Calendar
Bioengineering calendar

Kevin Otto, Ph.D. 

Dane A. Miller Head of Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering and Professor 

Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering/Purdue University 

Title: Optimizing neuromodulation for bioelectronic medicine and sensory restoration 

Abstract: Information transfer using a chronically implanted neural interface depends upon the quality of the device-tissue interface. Implanted electrodes offer unique opportunities for device design and performance; however, they can demonstrate challenges in long-term reliability which we seek to address with engineering solutions. Increasingly, high-fidelity neural interfaces are being developed with increasingly smaller electrode site areas; unfortunately, these electrodes can suffer even greater long-term reliability challenges post-implant. Here we will discuss our neuroengineering efforts at the intersection of device development and performance.  

BioDr. Kevin J. Otto received his BS Degree in Chemical Engineering from Colorado State University, and his MS and PhD Degrees in Bioengineering from Arizona State University. He is currently Professor and Dane A. Miller Head of the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University where he directs the Neuro-Prostheses Research Laboratory. He is a Fellow of AIMBE and the BMES. His research interests include neural engineering, device-tissue interfaces, and neurostimulation. 

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