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Speaker Bharat Ramaswami - Deadweight Losses or Gains From In-kind Transfers: Experimental Evidence

Event Type
Sponsors - Program in Environmental and Resource Economics (pERE) and International Policy & Development (IPAD)
Mumford Hall 426-428
wifi event
Apr 8, 2024   12:00 - 1:00 pm  
Bharat Ramaswami - Professor, Economics Dept, Ashoka University
Originating Calendar
ACE Seminars

Are in-kind transfers associated with deadweight losses? To answer this, we conducted an incentivized field experiment in India, which offered low-income households the choice between a free quantity of rice and varying amounts of cash to elicit their willingness to pay for rice. Contrary to expectation, we find evidence of deadweight gain on average, though with a striking contrast between a deadweight loss among women from female-headed households and a deadweight gain among respondents from male-headed households. Our results highlight the role of gender differences in bargaining power in shaping the choice between cash or rice.

Bharat Ramaswami is a Professor of Economics at Ashoka University and prior to that he was at the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi. He has held visiting appointments at universities in Canada, Japan, Sweden and the United States. Before earning a PhD from the University of Minnesota, Ramaswami obtained a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Economics from the University of Delhi. He was awarded the Mahalanobis Memorial Medal by the Indian Econometric Society in 2004 for his contributions to quantitative economics.

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