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Abbe Gluck to present Ann F. Baum Memorial Elder Law Lecture

Event Type
University of Illinois College of Law
Max L. Rowe Auditorium, Law Building
Mar 6, 2024   12:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
College of Law - Lectures Calendar

Ann F. Baum Memorial Elder Law Lecture
Presented by Abbe R. Gluck
Alfred M. Rankin Professor of Law
Faculty Director, Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy, Yale Law School
Professor of Medicine, Yale School of Medicine 

Free and open to the public.
A limited number of lunches will be available for lecture attendees. 

Livestream available:

"Preventative Care, Scientific Expertise, a Healthy Population, and the Courts: The Constitutional and Religious Attack on One of the Affordable Care Act’s Core Interventions" 

The Affordable Care Act introduced preventive care provisions that require vaccines, cancer screenings, prophylactic medications and more to be cost-free to the insured population, a benefit that more than 150 million Americans have taken advantage of, including during the Covid-19 pandemic. A new challenge to the ACA’s preventative care provisions is now moving through the courts, based on religious objections to the lifestyle of certain populations seeking preventative services and on constitutional objections to the structure of the administrative state writ large, including its longstanding reliance on scientific expertise. This lecture will describe these challenges in the context of the broader landscape of the Court’s docket with respect to the ACA, religious freedom, and the administrative state, and the implications of the new challenges for health policy, including for the aging population.

About the Ann F. Baum Memorial Elder Law Lecture 

In remembrance of the life of Mrs. Ann F. Baum, a gift through her estate has endowed the Ann F. Baum Memorial Elder Law Lecture. This lecture series seeks to promote the relevant and timely discussion of broad range of issues relating to the intersection of public policy, the law, and the elderly. 

Mrs. Baum was born November 11, 1922, into a poor Irish Catholic family. A life-long resident of the Chicago area, Mrs. Baum grew up with seven siblings. She and her husband, the late Alvin H. Baum, operated an investment firm in Chicago. Mr. Baum passed away in 1982, and Mrs. Baum passed away in 2005.

Mrs. Baum and her late husband were compassionate individuals who supported a broad array of charities as well as providing direct support to needy individuals. Targets of their giving included the disadvantaged, the young, the elderly, religious organizations, educational organizations, and civic organizations. Their legacy of giving and sharing is continued through the Alvin H. Baum Family Fund of which Alvin and Ann were both benefactors. 

The Ann F. Baum Memorial Elder Law Lecture constitutes a fitting memorial to a woman who was deeply concerned with the rights and issues pertaining to elderly people in our society.    

For more information:
Carolyn Turner, Assistant Dean for Administration

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