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Statistics + Mathematics Spring 2025 Career & Graduate School Forum

Event Type
Department of Statistics
Illini Union - Illini Rooms AB
Feb 26, 2025   10:00 am - 4:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Department of Statistics Event Calendar

Student registration for the Spring Statistics and Mathematics Career Forum is now open. This is a career fair specifically for Statistics, Statistics & CS, Mathematics, and Mathematics & CS students.

Invitations were just sent to students based on their majors in Handshake. If your Handshake Notification settings are set to send emails, you should have received a registration email for the event. If not, I think it should show up through the Notifications menu item in Handshake.

If you are one of the listed majors and did not receive an invitation in Handshake, please log into Handshake ( and check that your major is showing correctly there and see the Career Center to get it updated if it is not correct.

When registering, be sure to register for the Morning, Afternoon, and Full Day sessions so that employers for each session can see that you are registered. Employers are still registering, so more should be added in the coming weeks.

Here’s what you need to know:

WHAT: Statistics and Mathematics Career and Graduate Forum

WHEN: Wednesday February 26th 10:00 am - 12:30 pm and 1:30-4:00 pm

WHO: This forum is exclusive for undergraduate & graduate students in Statistics, Statistics + CS, Mathematics, & Mathematics + CS

HOW: Use Handshake to register for the event by clicking on the event link in the invitation or click here The event will be in person at the Illini Union and location details are available in Handshake.

What can you be doing now?

1.            Log into Handshake and make sure your basic information (i.e. Major & School Year) is filled in correctly. These fields are important for not only the Forum invite but they also can be used by employers to filter students to invite to their events.

2.            Update your resume with your summer internship or work experience.

3.            Make an appointment or visit The Career Center to work on your materials and prepare for the Forum.

4.            Check out career workshops in the coming weeks (see the flyer below for specific opportunities for Statistics Students).

5.            If you are an international student, attend the CPT and OPT workshops or attend or view recordings of ISSS' other workshops on CPT and OPT.

link for robots only