Research Seminars @ Illinois

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Tailored for undergraduate researchers, this calendar is a curated list of research seminars at the University of Illinois. Explore the diverse world of research and expand your knowledge through engaging sessions designed to inspire and enlighten.

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"Circuit, cellular and synaptic mechanisms of cortical plasticity after sensory organ damage," by Thanos Tzounopoulos, PhD, Director, Pittsburgh Hearing Research Center, Endowed Professor and Vice Chair of Research, Department of OtolaryngologyUniversity of Pittsburgh

Event Type
Neuroscience Program
Beckman Institute 1005
Feb 27, 2024   4:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Neuroscience Program Seminars

Short Description:  I will talk about mechanisms of auditory cortical plasticity after noise-induced cochlear damage and hearing loss in mice.  I will also discuss how these mechanisms highlight novel strategies that enhance perceptual recovery after hearing loss.


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